Twixt Earth and Sky
Wendy Cicchetti
(505) 553-3292
By Celestial Design


The Yellow Pomander
Keynote: Sunlight, Self Knowledge, Assimilation. Antidote to nervousness and negative thoughts.
Fragrance: Fruity, lemony, like the forest
Predominant Essential Oils: Citronella, sandalwood, lemon grass
Crystal Energies: Amber, fluorite, yellow quartz, topaz, citrine

The Yellow Pomander clears the mind, and is of special benefit when we need encouragement. It brings clarity of direction and receptivity to innate wisdom. Sun-type people will feel its effects almost immediately, and for these individuals there is no better protector of their intuition. The Yellow Pomander may be useful in overcoming irrational fears and nervousness, and thus can support the process of breaking habits such as smoking, drugs and alcohol.

The Yellow Pomander is helpful with all problems connected to the intake of nutrition and energy. It helps awaken the joy of the senses – smell, touch, taste, etc. It may also be helpful in cases of nervous depression and seasonal depression (especially in winter). The Yellow can help to allay nervousness and anxiety. Yellow brings the sunshine in and acts as an antidote to the blues so is useful in cases of depression or where there is a lack of sunlight (SAD - Season Affected Disorder. Also useful for jetlag and travel sickness. If anyone is negative bring in the Yellow. For those in a depressive state Yellow unlocks joy. Stimulates intuitive knowledge.